Monday, December 30, 2019

Strategies for Writing a 20-Page Paper

Research papers and essays can be intimidating enough as an assignment. If youre facing a 20-page writing assignment, just relax and break the process down into manageable chunks. Start by creating a timetable for your project. Note when it is due as well as the number of weeks you have between now and the due date. To create a timetable, grab or create a calendar with plenty of space to write on. Then, jot down deadlines for each stage of the writing process. Initial Research and Topic Selection Before you can choose a topic, do some basic research to learn more about the general subject area youre studying. For example, if youre studying the works of William Shakespeare, decide which play, character, or aspect of Shakespeares work is most interesting to you. After youve finished your initial research, select a few possible topics. Talk with your teacher before making a final decision. Ensure that the topic is interesting and rich enough for a 20-page essay, but not too big to cover. For example Symbolism in Shakespeare is an overwhelming topic while Shakespeares Favorite Pens wouldnt fill more than a page or two. Magic in Shakespeares Play, A Midsummer Nights Dream might be just right. Now that you have a topic, take a few weeks to conduct research until you have five to 10 subtopics or points to talk about. Jot notes onto note cards. Separate your note cards into piles that represent topics youll cover. Organize Topics and Create a Draft Order your topics into a logical sequence, but dont get too caught up in this. Youll be able to rearrange the sections of your paper later. Take your first set of cards and write all you can about that specific topic. Try to use up three pages of writing. Move on to the next topic. Again, try to use three pages to elaborate on that topic. Dont worry about making this section flow from the first one. You are just writing about individual topics at this time. Create Transitions; Write an Introduction and Conclusion Once you have written a few pages for each topic, think again about the order. Identify the first topic (one that will come after your introduction) and the one that will follow. Write a transition to link one to the next. Continue with order and transitions. The next step is to write your introduction paragraph or paragraphs and your conclusion. If your paper is still short, just find a new subtopic to write about and place it between paragraphs that exist. You now have a rough draft. Edit and Polish Once youve crafted a full draft, set it aside for a day or two before reviewing, editing, and polishing it. If youre required to include sources, double-check that youve correctly formatted footnotes, endnotes, and/or a bibliography.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Terrorism Essay - 3592 Words

Terrorism: Cause and Responses Answer 1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Our world has been a victim of terrorism and terrorist acts since the civilized human life began on this planet. There have been radicals and extremists who have been unhappy about something or the other all along during the development of our world. It can be seen that the ways how these people terrorized the world has changed along with time. Terrorists have always used the path of violence to get their voice heard to the world. With the technological innovations these groups also adapted their means of violence. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One of the examples of the traditional terrorist group (which I must clear that any Indian would not believe it to be†¦show more content†¦The party was recognized with a central committee and with provincial and district committees under it. All decisions were to be taken in these committees, majority decisions were to be binding on all. HSRA did many violent acts to fight against the British government, they looted a train in Kakori which was carrying lots of government money, they also murdered a British officer, and the biggest act was the bombing in the Legislative Assembly. By this time most of the young generation of India had started believing in Bhagat Singh and were joining HSRA. Bhagat Singh was labeled a terrorist and to prove the British government wrong he did the bombing in the legislative assembly and turned himself in, so that he could bring the reality of the corrupt government in front of the people of India by fighting his own cas e in the court. Bhagat Singh believed that the perception of the existence of class cleavages in society also led to the understanding that violence would be imperative to bring about a change in the social structure. It was a violence that destroyed to build. The Communist Party of India was formed in 1925-26 and had to almost immediately go underground. Within the next six years Bhagat Singh was executed and it remains one of the big ifs of history whether he would have joined the party as his companions did. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;On the other hand if we talk aboutShow MoreRelatedTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1326 Words   |  6 Pagesallowing terrorism to be successful and continue. Terrorists gain power through the common, innocent people they attack. How the world responds to terrorist attacks determines whether or not terrorism will cease. The common people’s response to terrorism, the interest of the state, and the media’s role in terrorism all aide to terrorism’s success and its continuation in the future. How people willingly choose to respond to terrorist attacks defines terrorism and determines if terrorism will continueRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1035 Words   |  5 PagesOver the past Century, terrorism has advanced from random killings to enormous plans for terrorist groups. To understand terrorism you must first define it. Terrorism as we all know it is hard to define and understand, and has many different definitions as it is used widely. The word terrorism stems from the word terror, which means to instill fear in. People become terrorists when they take the actions towards instilling fear and terror upon people to prove a certain point or agenda. Some terroristsRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1626 Words   |  7 PagesTerrorism can be categorized as â€Å"the use of intentionally indiscriminate violence as means to create terror, or fear, to achieve a political, religious, or ideological aim (Fortna).† Although there is no formal definiti on of terrorism, we typically associate the words terrorism and terrorists with acts of violence that are used unlawfully to intimidate in pursuance of political gain. Terrorists do not act at random, but rather use violence to maximize on fear and publicity with a specific goal inRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1126 Words   |  5 PagesTerrorism Have you ever had a fear for your family, your town, your country, or your world. How about the fear to have everything taken from you, destroyed, and not caring if it has hurt you or not? What about your fear and pain is, and can be someone else’s happiness? The fear of you being terrorized? That is terrorism. Someone else bringing fear and terrorizing you. That is a terrorist’s goal. Terrorism is common and is very difficult to stop. The government promises protection for the peopleRead MoreTerrorism And Terrorism : Terrorism1231 Words   |  5 Pages Terrorism is a common term used in the media and news everyday, especially in the United States. We are in a constant battle against ‘terrorism’, â€Å"Counterterrorism has to be woven into the everyday workings of every department. It should be included on the agenda of every meeting†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kelling Bratton, 2006). Terrorism and How to Respond All terrorism is criminal but not all criminals are terrorists. Terrorism unlike most crimes has a political agenda behind it. Many terrorists are involved withRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism851 Words   |  4 PagesTerrorist attacks are major threats that could occur in any nation. Terrorism is one of those things that can happen at any time. It will strike in small, medium and large cities. Although we will never be able to remove all risk from terrorism, we can definitely reduce the risk through hazard mitigation and disaster preparedness (GBRA, 2011). To better understand terrorism we need to know what it is. Terrorism can be defined as the use of force or violence against persons or property in violationRead MoreTerrorism : Terrorism And Terrorism1377 Words   |  6 PagesTerrorism in Sudan In the past, Sudan had been designated as a State Sponsor of Terrorism regarding support for international terrorist groups. However, Sudan has changed its approach ever since the 9/11 attacks has been aiding the United States in diminishing the pervasiveness of terrorist groups in Sudan, and in the world. Recently, Sudan has remained cooperative with the United States in its war on counter terrorism. Sudan has taken many preventive measures to keep these terrorist groups outRead MoreThe Effects Of Terrorism On Terrorism And Terrorism944 Words   |  4 PagesEffects of Terrorism â€Å"The history of terrorism is a history of well-known and historically significant individuals, entities, and incidents associated, whether rightly or wrongly, with terrorism,† (History of Terrorism). The history of terrorism is a long bloody road. One of the bloodiest of acts of terrorism in the early years, was the reign of terror. In which, the Jacobin leader, Maximilien Robespierre, executed 40,000 people. Newspapers coined the word â€Å"Terrorism† as a way of describing RobespierreRead MoreTerrorism Between Terrorism And Terrorism1207 Words   |  5 PagesQuestion † What trends are evident in terrorism over the past 5 years? How have these trends impacted on the ways in which counter terrorism has responded in the Australian context? Introduction Terrorism poses a serious security challenge to the Australia and globally as it prevalence has increased over a decade although less attacks occur in the Western nations. The purpose of this assignment is to examine what trends and terrorist tactics are evident internationally over the past 5 years andRead MoreTerrorism Between Terrorism And Terrorism2012 Words   |  9 PagesTerrorism has played a brutal and alarming role in societies across the world. Many nations have been confronted with the need to develop solutions in the wake of tragedies caused by terrorism. Unfortunately, terrorist organizations are still operating and terrorist acts have continued. Many questions that have still gone unanswered despite careful study, but governments are finding some relief when collaborating with anti-terrorism organizations (Fischer, 2002). Terrorists have struck almost everywhere

Friday, December 13, 2019

Can Data Reduce Health Inequalities Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays

string(74) " statistics of alteration in the wellness of the population of the state\." â€Å" Health Inequalities † is a burgeoning field of research that has given rise to many inquiries and arguments about definitions of constructs, analytical schemes, reading of findings, and explanatory theoretical accounts. [ 1 ] The World Health Organization defines Health inequalities as ‘the differences in wellness position or in the distribution of wellness determiners between different population groups ‘ . These determiners harmonizing to W. We will write a custom essay sample on Can Data Reduce Health Inequalities Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now H.O are â€Å" the conditions in which people are born, turn, populate, work and age, including the wellness system † . What is Data? Harmonizing to Webster ‘s lexicon â€Å" Data is factual information ( as measurings or statistics ) used as a footing for concluding, treatment, or computation. † Data is chiefly of two types i.e. Qualitative and Quantitative. Qualitative information is the type of informations that is non given numerically. Hence it ‘s based on people ‘s sentiment and picks. Quantitative informations on the other manus is purely based on numerical values and is subdivided into Discrete ( specific numerical values ) and a Continuous ( any numerical value ) information. Data A ; Health Inequalities: The usage of informations records for wellness of population is nil new ; the earliest survey of a entire population was done by Halley, who, by utilizing informations for the metropolis of Breslau, Germany, for 1687 to 1691, calculated the mean life anticipation at birth. [ 2 ] However it was Aaron Antonovsky, a medical sociologist, who foremost shed visible radiation on the inequality in mortality rates in 1967, which finally lead to the usage of informations to enter wellness inequalities Surveillance of inequalities now is done extensively to supervise alteration and to mensurate the indexs of wellness inequalities among the different strata of any part. With every passing twelvemonth the usage of informations to supervise and control wellness inequalities has become more and more of import. Harmonizing to the 2007 declaration of The Measurement and Evidence Knowledge Network ( MEKN ) of the WHO committee on societal determiners of wellness, â€Å" Action on the societal determiners of wellness to better overall wellness results and cut down wellness unfairnesss will be much more effectual if basic informations systems are in topographic point, nationally and internationally, and there are mechanisms to guarantee that the informations can be understood and applied to develop more effectual intercessions. † [ 3 ] The point to foreground in this declaration is that informations should be understood right and applied affectively for it to do effectual intercessions. So the inquiry is does all this collected informations can be the premier ground for alteration and cut downing wellness inequalities? The simple reply would be that natural informations itself can non convey any alteration but the determinations that are taken after treating that informations are the chief agents of alteration. Management of Datas: Datas in itself is merely a aggregation of natural Numberss or characters. The information collected has to be converted into feasible information in order for it to be utile. Here the inquiry arises what the difference is between informations and information? Beynon-Davies used the construct of a mark to separate between informations and information. Datas are symbols while information occurs when symbols are used to mention to something. [ 4 ] It is people and computing machines who collect informations and enforce forms on it. These forms are seen as information which can used to heighten cognition. [ 5 ] Thus cognition is the aggregation of information that is stored or memorized with the purpose of doing it utile. For any cognition to go utile it must be analyzed and interpreted. The procedure of understanding the cognition that we have and utilizing it to synthesise new cognition is called ‘understanding ‘ . The apprehension is converted into wisdom when we exercise our innate human nature of morality and moralss. Therefore with the aid of apprehension and the ability to judge right from incorrect the information is eventually converted into wisdom. This transition of natural informations into wisdom is called the Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom hierarchy. ( Fig 1 Appendix ) Another method by which information is managed is the simple informations surveillance rhythm ( Fig 2 Appendix ) . In this rhythm the collected information is analyzed and synthesized and is so organized and stored into a information base. This database so aids policy shapers to move as they deem appropriate. By the survey of informations direction it shows that the determination made at the terminal of the procedure is what determines how efficaciously information has been used and whether information has been successful in conveying about a alteration. This determination doing procedure can be influenced by ambiguity, prejudice, desire for short-cuts, resources available and shortage of attending. Any break during the informations processing rhythm can besides hold negative effects on the determination devising. Data itself has many restrictions. It depends upon truth ; if informations is non accurate it can damage a undertaking alternatively of helping it. Data should besides be complete in all respects i.e. it should supply all expected properties. The consistence of information is besides compulsory i.e. informations should be in sync across the endeavor ; sometimes informations is complete but is inaccurate and inconsistent. Data should besides be auditable i.e. it can be traced back to its beginning and can be verified for genuineness. Last, the most of import facet of informations quality is it timeliness. Datas should be fresh and up to day of the month so the steps and actions taken in response to the informations are appropriate. Examples of Data Surveillance in Curbing Health Inequalities: If we take the illustration of a developing 3rd universe state like Pakistan, so it seems as if informations can non assist cut down or alter anything. Here the inquiry arises that why should we even take the illustration of a underdeveloped state that is bound to neglect in controling inequalities? The ground for this is that Pakistan, even though being a hapless state, gets ample financess for its health care undertakings by donor administrations and other rich states. The international administrations such as WHO closely monitor the statistics of alteration in the wellness of the population of the state. You read "Can Data Reduce Health Inequalities Health And Social Care Essay" in category "Essay examples" So, with voluminous financess and aid from international administrations the consequence should demo an betterment in the wellness of the population, nevertheless in Pakistan ‘s instance where limited success has been achieved there has besides been failure, which proves that the regular surveillance statistics of WHO are non plenty for accomplishing success. This failure of surveillance can non be blamed wholly upon the gathered statistics but there is a complex process associated with it that plays an of import function in assisting the information be effectual. The Polio Eradication Campaign: In Pakistan the biggest illustration of the success of informations and so its subsequent failure is the national infantile paralysis obliteration thrust. Launched in 1994, 15 old ages after the planetary thrust against infantile paralysis, the infantile paralysis run started with an purpose to to the full eliminate the disease by the new century. Even after the century arrived and a decennary rolled by, Pakistan has been unable to carry through its promise of full obliteration of the disease by 2010. The run suffered from the legion alterations in authorities over clip. When it was launched, the run was fueled by a media blitz of consciousness plans and ads on Television and in newspapers. This caused the hapless, uneducated multitudes to get down accepting and swearing the authorities to let them to immunize their kids. The figure of confirmed instances of infantile paralysis based on acute flaccid palsy surveillance informations from across the state declined from 1155 instances i n 1997 to 28 in 2005 [ 6 ] – the lowest of all time recorded in one twelvemonth ( Fig 3, Appendix ) . A really sensitive nationwide describing system was built up to guarantee the sensing of all staying infantile paralysis instances. The system captures all kids aged less than 15 old ages with acute oncoming flaccid palsy, and includes subsequent research lab testing of stool specimens. [ 6 ] The success was short lived as from 2007 the figure of instances came to a standstill, but there was an addition in figure of reported instances from little territories and states where entire unsusceptibility was achieved ( Fig 4, Appendix ) . In Punjab e.g. there were no reported instances in 2007 ; nevertheless in 2008 more than 8 instances were reported. The biggest reverse to the run is due to the on-going war on panic in Pakistan. In 2008, 2009 and every bit recent as February 2010 the instances reported were all from the Federally Administered Tribal Areas ( FATA ) where the people are highly hapless and uneducated and the next state of N.W.F.P. Two new instances were reported in the past hebdomad both from North West Frontier Province ( NWFP ) , conveying the entire figure of instances for 2010 to ten [ 7 ] . The most recent instance had onset of palsy on 27 February and that excessively was reported in the N.W.F.P. The radical elements in these countries have started a smear run against the infantile paralysis thrust and have warned the people to maneuver clear from immunizing their kids. This includes snatch of the infantile paralysis run workers and warnings of dire effects to the people of the part. [ 8 ] The recent engagement of the National Database and Registration Authority ( NADRA ) in Pakistan to immunize kids against infantile paralysis has met with great success. The NADRA new waves were successful in publishing ID cards to far flung countries and as a consequence of the success the authorities entrusted them with the responsibly of providing vaccinums to remote countries. Equally many as 20,000 kids were vaccinated as a consequence but the NADRA squad was still unsuccessful in embarking to the N.W.F.P and FATA parts. The migration of Afghan nomads into the countries of FATA A ; N.W.F.P is another ground for failure. Poor sanitation and dirty H2O supply in the rural parts of the state can besides be the ground for the failure, as this causes diarrhea which in bend reduces the soaking up of the vaccinum in kids. [ 9 ] On top of these hurdlings the run is besides marred by corruptness including larceny of financess and vaccinums. [ 10 ] The National AIDS Plan: The national AIDS plan in Pakistan is one illustration of truth of informations and how any alteration can be hindered if the information is falsified. Pakistan ‘s Federal Ministry of Health established National AIDS Control Programme ( NACP ) in 1986-87. The state has received over 2.9 billion rupees as support. In its early phases, the programme focused on laboratory diagnosing of suspected HIV instances, but increasingly it began to switch its focal point towards HIV bar and control intercessions. The development of National Strategic Framework-one in 2001 provided strategic vision to the national response and authorities of Pakistan with support from World Bank launched an enhanced response in the signifier of Enhanced HIV and AIDS Control Programme. [ 11 ] HIV was foremost reported in Pakistan in 1987 with the aid contaminated blood transfusions. [ 12 ] The chief bearers of the virus were non resident workers chiefly working in the gulf part who were deported back to Pakis tan in the wake of their diagnosing. [ 13 ] The full fledged outbreak nevertheless occurred in 2004 among the injection drug users ( IDUs ) in distant desert town of Larkana. Between 2003 and 2004 the rate of HIV in IDUs jumped from 0.4 % to an dismaying 7.6 % . Epidemiologic surveies have shown that out of the 100, 00 IDUs life on the streets, about 21 % are infected with HIV virus. [ 11 ] These IDUs do non indulge in the drugs merely for the bang but alternatively comprise of the highly hapless and flush subdivision of the society who are idle and as a consequence become drug users to get away from their problems. Lahore is the 2nd most thickly settled metropolis in Pakistan with over 3000 IDUs of which 4 % have HIV infection. Faisalabad is the 3rd most thickly settled metropolis with over 8000 IDUs of which 13 % have HIV. The most alarming fact is that surveies have found that about 50 % these IDUs are sexually active with their married womans. To do affairs even worse bulk of the married womans of IDUs work as cocottes. [ 14 ] Another demographic involved with the spread of HIV are the female and male sex workers. There are good known whorehouses in the metropolitan metropoliss of the state with up to 100, 000 female sex workers ( FSW ) in Karachi and 75, 000 in Lahore. The authorities organic structures estimate that HIV prevalence among FSW is 0.02 % [ 11 ] which is disputed by independent organic structures who say that it is about 15 % . Research has shown that these FSW have no information about rubbers or other bar methods. Less than half the FSWs in Lahore and about a one-fourth in Karachi had used rubber with their last regular client. In Karachi, one in five sex workers can non acknowledge a rubber, and three-fourthss do non cognize that condoms prevent HIV ( in fact, one tierce have ne’er heard of AIDS. ( UNIADS Update 2005 ) The other demographics for the disease include closeted homosexual work forces and Transvestites moonlighting as sex workers which are estimated to be approximately 3 0 % of the manner of transmittal. Breast eating female parents are another demographic that constitutes about 3 % of the manner of transmittal of the virus. The fist instance of transportation of HIV via chest eating was reported in 1994 in Rawalpindi. Irrespective of all this data the most lurid fact is the disproof and use of the informations by the National AIDS control plan who have estimated that there are about 3,000 instances of HIV in Pakistan since 1986. If we compare these estimations to the astonishing 70-80, 000 instances reported by the UNAIDS, we clearly see that the authorities enterprises are a frontage. This estimation is flooring plenty to ensue in immediate action by the authorities but that is non the instance. In world the authorities is to the lowest degree interested in turn toing the issue of AIDS as a world in Pakistan. This may be due to the fact that the state is a conservative Muslim state and even now issues like HIV A ; AIDS are considered as tabu. In the uneducated and hapless rural sector the disease is still considered as a stigma even though there insecure and closeted sex pattern in these countries. The political determination devising in this issue seems to be influenced by the delicateness of t he issue. The policy shapers are besides bound by the civilization of the state and they can non openly publicize safe sex patterns as this may be unacceptable to the people and the policy shapers do non desire to be seen as excessively broad by the conservative vote population. In the visible radiation of all this the World Bank in December of 2009 refused to further fund the AIDS plan in the state. Decision: The above illustrations show that informations itself can merely make so much. Astonishing and amazing figures may drive person to believe about the job and take some sort of action but the magnitude of that action is dependent upon the apprehension, reading and finally determination of that individual. In the instance of the infantile paralysis consciousness run the above illustration shows that informations can be used to an advantage in doing public change their beliefs and accepting alteration. But on the other manus informations can be useless, even if it is difficult striking, if no action is taken upon it i.e. in the instance of the AIDS run. If the Pakistani authorities wants it can alter the attitude of people towards safe sex pattern via an consciousness run but they choose to stay deaf-and-dumb person on the issue. Policy shapers can utilize informations to their advantage by utilizing the figures and acquiring the populace to believe about the job. Similarly the populace can utilize informations to demand a alteration from the authorities. Not merely determination devising but other societal factors besides stand in the manner of a complete or any success. Purportedly, If the illustration of a 3rd universe state is deemed unequal by person so we can ever take the illustration of Britain where there are beforehand methods of informations surveillance and a immense sum of research and money is being used to control wellness inequalities but a recent authorities study showed that the rates of indexs like life anticipation for adult females and infant mortality are still unchanged. This has prompted the wellness minster Dawn Primarolo to eventually acknowledge, in stead with our statement, that â€Å" wellness inequalities are hard to alter † . Appendix: Fig 1: DIKW Hierarchy Fig 2: Surveillance Cycle Fig 3: Graph 1 ( diminution of infantile paralysis over the old ages ) Fig 4: Graph 2 ( diminution and revival of infantile paralysis in little territories of Pakistan ) How to cite Can Data Reduce Health Inequalities Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Relational Data Model E-R Diagram

Question: Discuss about theRelational Data Model E-R Diagram. Answer: ER Diagram ( 2016) Business Rules The business rules that are defined in the CQ Specialist Medical Centre (CQMC) are as follows- The patient detail along with other information like medical history, allergy etc. will be stored into the database. The General Practitioners detail is also stored into the database like Name. Address etc. All test and procedures will also be stored into the database. The patients total charges and all tests charges will be saved into the database independently. Special patients will get discount from the CQMC. Assumptions The assumptions that are defined in the CQ Specialist Medical Centre (CQMC) are as follows- Booking and date of appointment will be stored into the database. The prescription date will also be stored into the database. The General Practitioners detail will also be stored into the database. There are two types of patients- regular and special patients like senior citizen etc. Logical Design TPatient (FPatientID, FFullName,FAddress, FPhone, FGender) TRegular (FPatientID) TSpecial (FPatientID, FType) TPatientMedicalHistory (FPatientID, FSurgery,FDetail, FMedicine, FDosage, FAllergy) foreignkey(FPatientID)references TPatient (FPatientID) TGP (FMPNumber, FFullName,FAddress, FPhone, FGender) TReference (FPatientID,FReferralID,FDateOfReference, FLetter) foreignkey(FPatientID)references TPatient (FPatientID) foreignkey(FReferralID)referencesTGeneralPractitioner (FMPNumber) TSpecialist (FSpecialistID, FFullName,FAddress, FPhone, FGender, FExperience) TSpecialistQualification (FSpecialistID,FQualification) foreignkey(FSpecialistID)references TSpecialist (FSpecialistID) TAppointment(FAppointmentID, FSpecialistID, FPatientID, FAppointmentDateTime, FBookingDateTime) foreignkey(FSpecialistID)referencesSpecialist (FSpecialistID) foreignkey(FPatientID)references TPatient (FPatientID) TPrescription (FPrescriptionID, FAppointmentID, FDateOfPrescription, FTest, FProcedures) foreignkey(FAppointmentID)references TAppointment (FAppointmentID) TCurrentMedication (FPrescriptionID, FProblem, FMedicine, FDosage) foreignkey(FPrescriptionID)references TPrescription (FPrescriptionID) TCQMCFee (Type, Fee) TCharges (FAppointmentID, FFeeType , FDiscount, FTotalCharge) foreignkey(FAppointmentID)references TAppointment (FAppointmentID) foreignkey(FFeeType)references TCQMCFee (Type)(Tutorialspoint 2016) References Tutorialspoint 2016, Relational Data Model, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-April-2017] 2016, E-R Diagram, [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-April-2017]

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Review of Systems Theory

Abstract Over the years, the application of the Systems theory in different fields of study has escalated. It has played a pivotal role in analyzing various aspects that impact our lives as human beings. Within the field of marriage and family therapy, it has been used in conflict resolution between members of the family.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Review of Systems Theory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In addition, it has helped therapists in addressing family and marital issues such as: divorce, marriage, anger, the role of the parents within a family setting, domestic violence among other issues. In this research paper, we shall analyze the history of this theory, its philosophical underpinnings as pertaining to marriage and family therapy, the main concepts behind it and its applicability in this area of study. Introduction It is a known fact that no man is an island. This statement may seem hollow but it has deep psychological meanings that may help one understand the human psyche. In layman’s terms, it simply means that humans are social beings that need each other to maintain their sanity as well as in surviving the day-to-day tribulation. From a psychoanalytic perspective, it means that the source of any psychological distress experienced by a person can generally be traced back to his/her society. To further understand how the human mind works, scholars have developed theories that try to justify human behaviors as products of their environment. The Systems theory presents one such development through which human inter-dependency can be explained. A system as defined by Connors et al (2005) refers to; â€Å"an organized collection of parts (or subsystems) that are highly integrated to accomplish an overall goal†. A system has various elements that work together towards the achievement of desired results or outputs. This means that a system must have other smaller subsystems if it is to function effectively (Herting et al, 2007). As such, if one aspect of the system changes, it is likely that the pattern of the overall system will change as well. Therefore, a system can be defined as being systemic in nature (Egiazaryan et al, 2007). This paper shall analyze the applicability of the Systems theory to marriage and family therapy. The concepts of this theory shall be evaluated to measure the extent to which it can be applied into the practice of marriage and family therapy.Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More History of Systems theory Systems theory refers to a research strategy that uses different fields of study to create a holistic understanding of a system (Gunaratne, 2008). The main aim of this theory is to analyze the core principles that govern how a system functions so that they can be applied in all fields of study (Trop, 2007). The origin of this theory can be dated back to the late 1890s. This was an era characterized by scientists who wanted to understand how complex systems worked. To accomplish this, they believed that it would be easier to divide systems into smaller pieces and later study them separately. The rationale behind this group-think was that smaller components would be easy to identify and study as compared to the whole system (Dupuis, 2010). As time went by, this approach was quickly absorbed by other scholars and it became a core research tool used in the study of sciences (biology, Physic and chemistry). However, scientists started misusing this approach by practicing reductionism (Dunst, 2009). In reductionism, scientists broke each system into smaller parts and studied them without giving due consideration to their relationship to the larger system. To solve this issue, the general systems theory (GST) was developed in early 1920’s. The scientists agreed that irres pective of the uniqueness possessed by each component within a system, they all worked together to yield the expected outcome. They therefore began to look at systems as holistic units. GST paved way to the development of new techniques which could be used in handling various issues in other areas of study. Philosophical underpinnings of the systems theory The systems theory argues that to every action there must be a reaction. According to Robbins et al (2006), Ludwig von Bertalanffy based this theory on three main philosophies: the ontology (classification of entities and studying existence), epistemology (knowledge science), and axiology (ethical and aesthetical values) of systems. The theory was formulated under the following assumptions. That all events are results of coordinated efforts between various independent elements within a given system. Despite their different properties, all systems have common patterns that can be studied with an aim of providing more insight into complex tendencies. In summary, this theory was founded on the assumption that each element in the world (no matter the size or classification), has its role to play in ensuring that efficiency prevails where desired (Kerzner, 2009)). In addition, it placed more emphasis on the fact that a ripple effect is always present in all systems. Movement to Mental Health Field Claybourne (2006) defines the human body as a system composed of 10 independent subsystems working together to ensure full functionality and efficiency. The human brain is compared to an engine from which other organs are interconnected. As such, psychologists and other researchers have over the years applied the systems theory as an effective tool in understanding how the human mind works.Advertising We will write a custom critical writing sample on Review of Systems Theory specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In regards to the study of mental health, the systems theo ry has played a pivotal role in establishing the relationship between brain functions and the functions of other anatomical systems. Boss et al (2008) state that if an individual is mentally healthy, then other body systems are likely to function optimally but if something affects the brain system (psychological, emotional or otherwise), other systems in the body will also experience some level of change. Systems Theory as the Foundation of Family Therapy Over the past decades, Systems theory has been the foundation on which the understanding of marriage and family therapy lays (Goldenberg, 2006). The GST assumes that a system consists of independent inputs that work together to yield expected outputs (Bartle-Haring et al, 2007). The Family Systems theory has therefore branched from this general theorization of systems. This theory focuses on the fact that a family is a system comprising of interrelated members. It acknowledges that there is some level of difficulty in understanding one member of a family without considering the others. It therefore provides a strong foundation to some of the family therapy techniques (Coates et al, 2005). One of the underlying principles behind the family systems theory is that the behavior of an individual occurs in, is affected by and influences the family (Greene, 2008). As such, having a clear understanding of the family system makes it easier to understand how each individual influences it. Zastrow Kirst-Ashman (2009) reiterate that families are evolving systems governed by rules. He further states that people within a family have their roles to play. In addition, each family has a set of common and predictable behavioral patterns which affect it. Future Directions of Systems Theory As mentioned earlier, family systems theory has tremendous impacts on family therapy. It has created a clear path towards understanding the affects of trauma on individuals in the family, interventional techniques (as pertaining to drug abus e, domestic violence, anger management and communication problems affecting a family (Price McKenry, 2009). Variants of the family systems theory have also emerged which seek to address core issues that lead to functional or dysfunctional families. The communication model is one such variant that studies the communication patterns that are adopted by various families as well as the implications of these patterns to the interactions of the family members (Zastrow Kirst-Ashman, 2009).Advertising Looking for critical writing on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Possibilities of Further Application I believe that more can be done to address family and marital issues using the systems theory. For example, when addressing violence, the systems theory focuses on the factors that lead to violence within a family setting. However, I feel that more studies should be conducted towards analyzing the characteristics and behaviors of those that cause the violence. In addition, the family systems theory does not effectively address the issue of gender inequality (Taylor, 2006). In most societies men are still viewed as being superior to women. As such, there is a great difference between their influence and that of the women to the functions of the family. This inequality has been understated by the family systems theory and therefore needs to be articulated fully. Conclusion The importance of the systems theory in a family setting cannot be understated. This paper set out to review the various concepts and implications of this theory. To this effect, an overview of these attributes has been offered and viable recommendations given. The applicability of this theory to marriage and family therapy has also been discussed. However, more studies should be conducted to ensure that this theory fully addresses the issues that affect the smooth running of a family system. This will not only assist therapists in providing viable solutions for dysfunctional families but will also ensure that family values and harmony prevails even in generations to come. References Bartle-Haring, S., Glebova, T Meyer, T. (2007). Premature Termination in Marriage and Family Therapy within a Bowenian Perspective. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 35(1), 53–68. Boss, P, William, J. D., LaRossa, W. (2008). Sourcebook of Family Theories and Methods: A Contextual Approach. NY: Springer. Claybourne, A. (2006). The human body. USA: Evans Brothers. Coates, J., Sullivna, R. (2005). Achieving Competent Family Practice with Same-Sex Parents. Journal o f GLBT Family Studies, 1(2), 89–113. Connors, J. V., Richard, B. C. (2005). A Review of Group Systems Theory. The Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 30(2), 93–110. Dunst, C. J., Trivette, C. M. (2009). Capacity-Building Family-Systems Intervention Practices. Journal of Family Social Work, 12(2), 119–143. Dupuis, S. (2010). Examining the Blended Family: The Application of Systems Theory Toward an Understanding of the Blended Family System. Journal of Couple Relationship Therapy: Innovations in Clinical and Educational Interventions, 9(3), 239–251. Egiazaryan, G. G., Sudakov, K. V. (2007). Theory of Functional Systems in the Scientific School of P.K. Anokhin. Journal of the History of the Neurosciences: Basic and Clinical Perspectives, 16(1), 194–205. Goldenberg, I. (2007). Family Therapy: An Overview. CA: Cengage Learning. Greene, R. (2008). Human behavior theory social work practice. NY: Transaction Publishers. Gunaratne, S. A. (2008). Und erstanding systems theory: transition from equilibrium to entropy. Asian Journal of Communication, 18(3), 175 – 192. Herting, S., Stein, L. (2007). The evolution of Luhmann’s systems theory with focus on the constructivist influence. International Journal of General Systems, 36(1), 1–17. Kerzner, H. (2009). Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling, and Controlling. NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Price, S. J., McKenry, P. C. (2009). Families change: coping with stressful events and transitions. CA: SAGE. Robbins, S. P., Chatterjee, P., Canda, E. R. (2006). Contemporary human behavior theory: a critical perspective for social work. USA: Pearson. Taylor, B. A. (2006). Gendered Training: Men and Men’s Issues in Marriage and Family Therapy Programs. The American Journal of Family Therapy, 34(3), 263–277. Trop, J. L. (2007). Discussion of Dr. Judy Pickles’s Paper: The Perspective of Nonlinear Open Systems Theory. Psychoanalytic Inquiry: A Topical Journal for Mental Health Professionals, 27(2), 166–176. Zastrow, C., Kirst-Ashman, K. (2009). Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment. CA: Cengage Learning. This critical writing on Review of Systems Theory was written and submitted by user Marisa Tillman to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How to Write an Art Critique Essay

How to Write an Art Critique Essay Writing an Art Critique Essay What is an art critique essay? How to start an art analysis Tips on how to start How to write an outline How to write a thesis for an art critique essay How to write an introduction Tips on how to write an introduction and thesis How to write body paragraphs Tips on body writing How to finish an art critique essay Tips on conclusion writing Tips on revision Art critique essay sample (Dance of Life) While in college students are expected to be professionally equipped with the necessary writing skills in order to be proficient in essay writing. Unlike high school, paper writing is a mandatory task in college. One cannot opt not to write since it is part of their academic progress and it reflects greatly on their performance. When writing an essay, every student is expected to know what type of paper they are writing and what is required for that essay. Though every paper has almost the same structure, it is essential to know and understand that they are written for different purposes. What is an art critique essay? Many students find writing rather challenging due to the difficulty of comprehending what the paper requires. Before you start writing any essay, it is important that you first know the kind of essay you are writing. An art critique essay is a paper comprising detailed analysis and evaluation of an artwork. Additionally, it is through the analysis that you comprehend the goal of the artist. When one is asked to analyze an artwork, the observations he would come up with will be different from that of another person. Writing an art critique essay might be rather problematic to some students but since its features are similar to that of any other paper, one can easily be able to handle writing one. The features of an art analysiss structure include: An introduction. This is where you give basic information about the artist, the art and the features of the artwork such as title, materials used and location. A thesis. This is where you come up with an argument about the piece of art. This will help reflect your vision on the piece of art. A body. This is where you fully describe the intent of the artist. You can also explain the artwork from your first impression and reaction. A conclusion. This is where you provide your evaluation of the piece of art. Through your analysis and interpretation, coming up with a final judgment is quite easy. How to start an art critique essay To start writing an art analysis, you need to understand its main features. Additionally, this will help you establish a clear and precise outline which simplifies the writing process. Below are some tips to consider before starting writing an art critique essay. Tips on how to start Identify the theme being communicated in the art. This is the first step when writing an art critique essay. It helps you have an idea of what the piece of art is about. Create an outline. This will help you recognize the artist and the features of his work; the materials used and the location. Develop a thesis statement. This is essential as it will help you have a guiding idea reflecting on your paper from your impression and reaction of the art. How to write an outline Writing the outline of an art critique essay is quite simple if you have an idea on how to start writing it. Establishing an outline enables you to easily write your essay and provide its smooth and easy flow. Creating an outline for an art critique essay is as simple as that of any other essay. It entails an introduction, a thesis statement, a body, and a conclusion. How to write a thesis for an art critique essay A thesis statement is essential in writing an art critique essay. The vitality of developing one is that it not only helps build up your essay but also guide you through writing the entire paper. Moreover, through the thesis statement, your audience will find it easy to read your whole paper. How to write an introduction The introduction of any essay is what shows the beginning of your paper. To write the introduction of an art critique essay, you should start with a strong hook which catches the eye of your audience. This will keep them enthused and interested in reading your writing. Tips on how to write an introduction and thesis The introduction of an art analysis shows your audience the beginning of your article whereas the thesis guides them through the entire essay. Below are some tips to consider when writing the introduction and thesis of an art critique essay: Start with a strong hook. This way, your reader(s) will focus on your paper and want to read more of it. Have a clear and specific introduction. This will help your audience understand what your paper is about. Develop a strong thesis statement. This will help you have a guiding notion which will reflect your vision of the artwork. How to write body paragraphs With the help of a thesis statement, you are able to come up with concrete body paragraphs detailing the analysis from the observation you have made. To write good body paragraphs you need to have a full description of the piece of art. Additionally, it is the body paragraphs where you embrace the analysis and interpretation of your work. Tips on body writing Below are some tips to ponder on when writing the body of an art analysis: Begin each paragraph with clear and precise sentences. This makes your article more appealing to your audience and easier to read. Denote your first impressions. This will help you explain the reaction you got from viewing the art piece. Study the features used by the artist. This will help you have the correct choice of words to use when writing. Identify the focus of the work. Identify what captures your most. This will help you discover the artist’s point of emphasis and the purpose of the art piece. Interpret the work. Having identified the purpose of the art piece, interpreting becomes easy. However, you ought to back up your interpretation with evidence from your description and analysis. This will help your audience comprehend your paper easily. How to finish an art critique essay When concluding an art analysis, always remember that you are providing your audience with the final judgment or evaluation of your work. To write the conclusion of an art critique essay, provide a summary of all the information you have gathered from the description, analysis, and interpretation of your art piece. Tips on conclusion writing Below are some tips to put into consideration when writing the conclusion of an art critique essay: Describe whether the art is successful or not. Use your first impression to do it. Explain how you have come up with your evaluation. This will enable your reader(s) understand how you make the judgment. Provide a summary of why you think the art is a success or not. Based on the analysis, interpretation and evidence explain to your audience why you have come up with that evaluation. Tips on revision Going through your paper once, cheking everything is indeed important. The significance of revising your paper lies in ensuring that you provide quality work to your reader(s). It helps you correct your paper and make it exceptional. The following tips are essential when revising your paper: Ensure that the details you have provided are based on the piece of art. Certify that the interpretation you have given has supporting evidence. Warrant that your essay has a smooth and easy flow and that your information is not contradictory. Art critique essay sample The Dance of Life The ‘Dance of Life’ art was painted in 1899-1900 by Edvard Munch. In his painting, Munch presents women dressed differently and seemingly dancing with different men. In the background, there is a sea. The women in the portrait seem to be in different stages of their lives with the one in black seemingly the oldest and thus the most experienced in life. These women, according to Munch, were drawn to symbolize portraits of his lover Tulla Larsen. The image is quite suggestive and seems to hold a hidden message. The different dressing used by the women in the picture symbolized different stages of their lives. The woman dressed in white represents the virgin, the one in red represented the carnal woman and the aged woman in black represents the satanic woman. Additionally, the sea in the background reveals something that is beyond reach. This could mean or represent the uncertainty that engulfs mankind as they live their lives. In addition, this clearly exemplifies the unknown; that which mankind does not know or comprehend about life or that which mankind does not know exists beyond life after death. This indicates that one did not know how far their lives were to go before their deaths. The portrait clearly shows or symbolizes the playing out of earthly life and the varying stages of the same. In the background, a lone woman stands in front of a symbol representing the reflection of the setting sun while multiple men hang around another woman in white. This represents or shows the stage in life where one is on the search for a partner but finds it hard to get one. Looking at the right middle ground, a male figure looks like his using force or trying to forcefully dance with the woman in white who appears to be leaning back. Most people who have analyzed this image seem to believe that the male figure embodies the caricature of the playwright Gunnar Heiberg. The male figure and the female figure in red in the foreground represent Munch and Larsen. They appear to be physically contiguous and symbolically entangled through the shapes of the lower part of their bodies. However, their faces seem to indicate their separation from each other. This clearly shows how separated they are from the moment. In conclusion, the art seems to be a good piece which clearly symbolizes the different stages of life.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How can RyanAir maintain its dominance in the European low-cost Dissertation

How can RyanAir maintain its dominance in the European low-cost airline market - Dissertation Example Ryanair caters to the European passengers through the organisation of a large number of flight programs maintained along several routes. Current estimates show that the airlines company operates along 1100 separate flying routes connecting various European and African regions. The company specialises in the rendering of services at highly economical rates which helps in gaining attention of a large number of consumers. Further the company through the cooperation of the European airports aims at rendering additional services to the customers countering checking of baggage, rendering food and beverages to the passengers on board and other such things at concessional rates. This creates an economic advantage to the company and also helps the customers to gain a lot services at low costs. Ryanair in order to compete in the international markets counters huge investments in the paradigm of training the staffs and also in rendering large amount of checks on the quality of services rendered . The company endeavours to counter weekly checks on the operational parameters of the flight carriers and also caters to render effective training to the staffs to reduce the chances of flight accidents. Ryanair also enhances the service paradigm by focusing on the creation and enhancement of the web sphere. The company encourages large number of people to counter booking through the online sphere which enhances the brand loyalty of the concern. Ryanair’s effective marketing program helped the company to rightly analyse the needs of the European customers in chalking out effective and cost reduced services. The company also during 2004 strategized to launch a huge promotional program which rendered large number of seats to the passengers at highly reduced fares. Further the company also takes resort of large number of innovations both in the service and product category to fulfil its responsibilities towards the society and in helping the customers get the feel of productive services. The government of Europe is also pleased with the operational standards of Ryanair in that it has introduced models which are environment friendly and also in helping other sick companies to revive out of their fallen condition. Ryanair through the acquiring of large number of small and medium airline companies helped in gaining access to newer market areas. The opening up of the European economy through the liberalisation and privatisation policies helped the airlines company gain control over the European airlines industry. (Ryanair, pp.1-4). The present paper divulges to understand the strategic dimensions taken by the company to gain sustainable dominance in the European Airlines market. Low Cost Airlines Market in UK Airline industry has always been a large and significant industry with a considerable growth rate. The industry is dynamic in nature considering the fact that its trends change in accordance to the economic condition of Europe. The profitability of the a irlines is strongly tied to the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Imaging informatics Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Imaging informatics - Term Paper Example The ways in which it enhances the imaging data is through automating, simplifying, reinventing the techniques for the description, management analysis, and the ways in which the imaging data can be preserved. In general, imaging informatics is concerned with the flow of medical images throughout the medical chain; that is, the retrieval, analysis, interpretation, exchanging, and more importantly how the information is stored. The information that is contained in the databases is inclusive of images and data from Picture Archiving and Communication System PACS (Hwang & Woo, 2003, p. 269). Imaging informatics heavily depends on radiology. This is because radiology is a field in medicine that is driven by technology and is data intensive thus it is very accommodating for imaging informatics. This explains why radiologists have become the leading practitioners in the field of imaging informatics. Imaging informatics is a field whose significance traverses through several areas in the med ical field. As has been mentioned above, PACS, or what is in full referred to as Picture Archiving and Communication System is an area in which the significance of imaging informatics is highlighted. PACS, just as the name suggests, is a system that has been developed mainly for storage purposes of medical images. PACS provides an avenue in which images can be stored at a reduced price and more to this, it promotes convenience when it comes to the accessing of images. The most fundamental feature of PACS is perhaps the fact that it has images from multiple modalities thus it has a wide range of images to compare to (Hwang & Woo, 2003, p. 269). The main reason why imaging informatics is of significance to PACS is because it eliminates the manual transmission and retrieval of image data. This is because the that have come in to being as a result of imaging informatics are transmitted digitally. According to Huang (2010, pp.219-23), the major components of PACS are a gateway of image a nd data acquisition, a PACS server and archive, and several workstations. He farther elaborates that the PACS has two types of gateway. The first type of gateway which is used for textual data is the database gateway. The second type of gateway is the image acquisition gateway which is used for the data in the form of images. It is also key to point out that the images acquired by PACS are retrieved from imaging modalities or devices and related patient data that is archived in Hospital Information Systems (HIS), and Radiology Information Systems (RIS), two areas that will be discussed later on in the paper highlighting the significance of imaging informatics. The second component as pointed out by Huang, (2010) is the PACS server and archive. After an imaging examination, the results together with the patient information which is retrieved from the HIS and the RIS via the gateways is sent to the PACS server. This is the central nervous system of the PACS and it consists of very spe cialized computer servers. Again, this component of the PACS has to subdivisions; they are, the database server and an archive system. The core functions of the database server is to receive, store, and update the information in the system. The archive system on the other hand is devoted to the short-term, long-term, and permanent storage of the information i

Monday, November 18, 2019

TAKE HOME MIDTERM Enlish Literature - Mode of cosmopolitanism at work Essay

TAKE HOME MIDTERM Enlish Literature - Mode of cosmopolitanism at work in the last chapter of The Professor - Charlotte Bronte - Essay Example The relationship between William and Frances is rooted in mutual respect and a shared sense of purpose in life, as well as a love of learning. Shortly after making his proposal of marriage to Frances, William suggested she quit her job and occupy herself at home, to which she demurred saying †¦people who are only in each other's company for amusement, never really like each other so well, or esteem each other so highly, as those who work together, and perhaps suffer together. You speak God's truth, said I at last†¦ (Bronte 122) Perhaps this quote strikes true to the mark for the reader who feels disconnected or lacking in a sense of belonging. Perhaps what is missing today is a cause of action worthy of struggle and self-deprivation, and a fitting companion with whom to make the journey. Having previously warned her husband-to-be of her philosophy, it came as no shock that a short while after they were married, she proposed to start an academy for girls, to which he agreed wholeheartedly. She included him in the effort, asking of him one hour each day: daily exacted of me for her establishment, and with which she would not dispense. She said that I must spend that time amongst her pupils to learn their characters, to be AU COURANT with everything that was passing in the house, to become interested in what interested her, to be able to give her my opinion†¦ (Bronte 136) William was happy to give, of course, what professor is not willing to answer questions? His wife desired that he feel a sense of belonging in her school and be connected to it, which he was happy to give to her. Theirs was a rich and rewarding relationship, each respectful and loving toward the other; each willing to provide what the other needed. Yet they had friends as well, friends of such quality that they could discuss their financial details: as soon as we had capital to invest, two well-skilled counsellors, one in Belgium, one in England, viz. Vandenhuten and Hunsden, gave us each a word of advice as to the sort of investment to be chosen.(Bronte 138) Hunsden, a brash, opinionated adventurer, is the perfect foil to display the quiet strength and reserve of William, The Professor. Yet, within this relationship are several nuances of interest, with a strong theme of intellectualism. Frances and Hunsden began their relationship in debate, and have not stopped since. Never overly hostile, the reader seems to sense a genuine affection in Frances toward Hunsden, although an affection well seasoned with caution. However, it is the intellectual theme that ties the relationships together, given the strong intellectual bent of all the principal characters. The marketplace of ideas and concepts truly belongs to the world, and borders are only enforced in this world by the limitations of language. Hunsden’s choices in friends and companions is also an issue, modeling an intellectual world if ideas and concepts. William hailed originally from England and Fr ances, from Switzerland. They found themselves together in Brussels, with the dream that one day they could take time to themselves and move to England. William felt a sense of belonging to his shire, the place of his birth and boyhood. Frances desired to go to England not out of happy memories looking back but rather pleasant dreams looking forward. It

Friday, November 15, 2019

Iron Orchid, by Stuart Woods: An analysis

Iron Orchid, by Stuart Woods: An analysis Iron Orchid Introduction: Iron Orchid is fast-paced suspense novel with an ongoing theme of never judging a book by its cover. The novel was written by popular suspense author Stuart Woods. The novel is set up around the Federal Investigation Bureau’s and the Central Intelligence Agency’s methods and modern tactics. A lot of the novels scenes and scenarios are relevant to modern day Orchid Beach, Florida, where the story takes place. The author integrates a lot of real world information, specs, and facts on the FBI, CIA and other topics the novel touches. Iron Orchid is a well-developed novel that keeps the reader connected with the world around him. Plot Mapping: The story begins with the protagonist, Teddy Fay, an ex-CIA technology wizard jumping of an exploding plane. Former Chief of Police in Florida, Holly Barker is at the CIA Farm starting her training when she is pulled out of class and put on special assignment to deal with the situation. Teddy Fay is not dead as was thought at the end of Capital Crimes and has resurfaced for revenge. He has decided to go after targets in New York City that the local authorities can’t touch because of diplomatic immunity. His contact inside the CIA, Irene Foster, is still active, and is covering his tracks for him. Holly and her team are sent to New York to work with Lance Armstrong in an attempt to stop Teddy Fay. Now being a master of deception, the CIA fails to apprehend him when he sat next to Holly at the Met Opera. He also loses them at the Opera Music Store, and at Sax 5th Ave while posing as Santa after shooting someone who tried to hurt Holly while Skating in Central Park. This is where the author uses the suspense and action affects effectively weaving them excellently into the storyline. The CIA struggle with the fact that he is doing what they only wish they could, and have a difficult time catching him because of this. When Teddy succeeds in killing a Saudi Prince at the United Nations Plaza, he takes advantage of the opportunity to disappear for good. Teddy plants a fake body in a construction building and blowing it to bits; faking his death, while at the same time taking care of his final target. The sub plot of this novel is Irene Fosters and Teddy Fay’s developing relationship throughout the story. They meet up in the beginning of the book after not seeing each other for a long time. While they meet up in secrete dates where Teddy and her plan their escape to the Philippines, after Teddy has completed his task. Their relationship grows stronger as the book progresses, and when they dip to the Philippines they live happily ever after. Character Analysis: Teddy Fay is the protagonist of the Iron Orchid. Teddy is a very meticulous and vigilant character. He shoots for nothing less than perfection, and stops at nothing to complete his work. Throughout the story Teddy realizes that his time for retirement is growing near, he displays more caution and awareness to the world around him as the novel progresses. Teddy’s relationship with Irene grows stronger with the story as well; he even made the decision to take her with him to live together after the task is completed. Teddy’s state of mind is very constant, the reader sees little to no variation in Teddy’s ideas and thinking throughout the story, and shows very little sings of emotion or affection towards any characters of the story other than Irene. Teddy fay is a little something like El Chapo Guzman, both are men on a mission for commission, and nobody seems to be close to putting a stop to them. El Chapo Guzman is the one of the greatest drug lords alive, allusi ve and dangerous, who else to compare Teddy Fay with than the best? They differences are greater than their similarities, in the sense that Teddy assassinates targets the government would want to take down, and that El Chapo runs an extensive drug trade with the worlds superpowers. Both disappear right in the nick of time, and fake their capture or death when the time is right. Motifs Themes: One of the main ongoing themes of Iron Orchid is appearances can be deceiving. It’s a very effective theme in this story due to the fact that throughout the whole story Teddy has Holly and the rest of the agency clueless as to he is. He uses disguises and different accents with speech to blend in with the diverse population of the city. During the whole wild goose chase Teddy Fay was within arm’s reach of his prosecutors yet never even touched. Another unique theme presented in the book is that good doesn’t always triumph over evil. Teddy Fay, the villain, is victorious in the end and leaves Holly and the rest of the agency in stupidity, while he is relaxing peacefully in the Philippines with his partner in crime Irene Foster. Many of the motifs and themes of the book pertain to social issues and society, and changes the way the readers views the people around them, since you never really know who someone really is on the inside. Many if not all the themes in Iro n Orchid can relate to life as we know it in some way or another, they are modern and broad themes leaving the reader able to interpret and apply them to his or her life in their own unique way. Critique of Author: Stuart Wood’s only possible purpose for writing Iron Orchid was to keep the reader entertained throughout the entire story. Stuart did a good job of keeping the reader entertained, yet some parts of the book were so vague and boring the reader almost wanted to skip them. Stuart tried persuading the reader to hate diplomats with diplomatic immunity. He seemed to want the reader to adopt Teddy’s view of the topic; almost putting the reader in Teddy’s own shoes when he takes out the diplomats, the hatred for them throughout the story is clear and hard to hide. Stuart Woods portrays a society where the normal people aren’t aware of the world around them, a world were government officials let the rich get away with what they want, a society where the good doesn’t always triumph over good. Stuart woods overall as he is portrayed through his writing is a realist. He seems to view things as they are, he shows it in this book just by letting the villain take the victory in the end, which shows that he’s isn’t much of an optimistic person who wants to believe that good always triumphs. He also shows it in his style of writing, you never know what to expect, and the reader can’t trust that he will favor a certain character for too long; things aren’t the way they seem to be. Analysis of the Book: This book was both worth reading and enjoyable at the same time. I would definitely recommend this book to another reader; it’s a good time killer. Iron Orchid both supports the reader’s beliefs more than it goes against them, making it a well-balanced book. The book weaves the reader into the story, appealing to the reader in every way especially logically. Overall there aren’t many emotionally appealing scenes in Iron Orchid. The book motivates the reader to read the sequel to the story, and leaves the reader thinking for a while after the story has been completed. Iron Orchid will change the way the readers view on criminals, the FBI and CIA alike, the reader is challenged by the author to view them past what we see on the outside. The book almost tempts the reader to think like the law enforcers, and criminals in the story. Conclusion: Iron Orchid is a lightweight yet complete and entertaining Thriller. It’s a well written story, with well-developed characters, and some entertaining action. The book can be boring at times but Stuart Woods makes up for the few worth-less pages in the book. The themes and motifs are motivating and thought provoking. The plot needs a little work, along with other part of the book, yet the reader can’t complain about a good, entertaining book.  

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

France Essay -- essays research papers

France is a beautiful and captivating country full of art, culture, and an important historical background. It is in the heart of Europe and is sometimes called "The Hexagon", Because of it’s shape. It is the largest country in Western Europe and covers about 211,200 square miles. Four different waters surround the French coastline, this includes; the North Sea, the English Channel, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean. The capital of France is Paris, on the banks of the Seine River. Sometimes called the "The City of Lights", Paris has been admired and loved by millions for centuries. It is an industrial center as well. Paris is world renowned as a cultural and intellectual center which holds many masterpieces. The Eiffel Tower was built in 1889, and today is 1,052 ft. high. It welcomes tourists from all over the world. The revolution of 1789 was a very important part of history. The people could be divided into three groups, the Nobles, the Clergy, and the rest. At this time the peasants owned 80 percent of the land, but had no rights at all. To add to their misery, the food was in short supply. It is estimated that on the eve of the French Revolution one-fifth of the population had no resources at all. World War I broke out August 1914, setting France, Russia, Britain, Belgiumand Serbia at war with Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Everyone assumed the war would be over in a few months. Instead, the war lasted for four years. Germany finally agreed to sign an armistice on November 11, 1948. (A kind of peace agreement). The death toll had been the largest of any previous wars. France had lost over 1.4 million men and in all of Europe over 8.5 million were killed. People said it was the war to end all wars. Only twenty years later France was plunged into another war with Germany. On June 22, 1940 France was forced to sign an agreement with Germany. By 1942 France was totally occupied by the Nazi army. This was a very hard time, Jews were persecuted and thousands were sent off to concentration camps. Eventually, in the summer of 1944 France was freed, and the occupation was over. The President is head of the government and is elected by the ... ...s developed a number of ways of producing energy. Such as dams, Solar energy, hydroelectricity or "white coal", hot springs, and tidal energy. France has had an important nuclear power program since 1967. Two-thirds of the country’s electricity is produced by atomic energy. France’s transportation system centers on Paris which is the heart of a network that stretches to all parts of France. Trains are an important source of transportation throughout France. The latest in a line of new fast trains, which includes the mistral and the Turbo trains, is the high-speed TGV. This train averages 133 miles per hour. The French railway of SNCF has a reputation for being fast, efficient, and reliable. It is also punctual. So much emphasis is placed on punctuality that is an engineer does not keep on time, he is fined. Also roads, air, and water travel is important to France. Communications are expanding widely in France. Mainly in ways such as telephone, television, radios, and newspapers. The national language of France is French. French was once the language used by diplomats all over the world. In this study, I have learned a lot about France and I hope to visit there someday.